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About Me

Still i am learning like a newbies, have passion to acquire some knowledge and help others in web Development.

I have followed many online tutor available in online media. Some are doing their job more professional some are here by their passion. One day, I had gone through web surfing and find one of the amazing personality, who is writing articles and developing application for open source. Her portfolio page is had list of articles but no ads, she simply hate to put advertizement of per profile. She don't offer any money of her articles. Her name is Tania Rasica from Austria

Most of my free time is dedicated in surfing web contents related to web development and Security updates, vulnerability patches etc.

Currently Learning

I was recently invited at Discord to learn You Don't Know JavaScript

It was lead by Modison Kanna. She has twitted it and successfully arranged interested people around the glob to make a open community to learn and teach from each others

My Recent Work

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Error neque consequatur commodi non illo quasi suscipit similique nostrum! Aliquid, deserunt?

1st Work
Resources, I am interested.

Know the place value of your number

Learned on 20th January 2020 and added in Profile on 22nd January 2020

Know the factorial of your number

Learned on 21st January 2020 and added in Profile on 22nd January 2020

RMD Production Data fetching from Google Sheet and Graph

Counter with JQuery

Simple navbar with css only

Started 1st Landing page with css grid and flex

Learnt to design responsive Web with Thappa

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